
The Sugar Research Institute (SRI) was established by the Council of the University of Ilorin in 14th January, 1980. It is the only Institute of its kind in Nigeria and indeed in the West African sub-region. Its sole mandate is to conduct research on sugarcane production and processing. The idea for the establishment of the Institute emanated from the deliberations of a workshop organized by the Faculty of Science of the University of Ilorin in June, 1978 on “Scientific Research and Nigerian Industries”. At the end of the workshop, which drew participants from other Universities, the Industrial Training Fund, Federal and State Ministries, Industrial establishment and private organizations, it was resolved that the Faculty should explore the possibility of establishing a Sugar Research Institute. The first set of academic staff in the Institute assumed duty in August, 1980.


Development of improved sugar cane varieties

Processing of sugarcane for the production of sugar and other product

Evaluation of the productivity / adaptability of new sugarcane varieties in different agro-ecologies of Nigeria

Comprehensive assessment of industrial sugarcane varieties cultivated in Nigeria